Landscape Photos and Wildlife of Maine.
Many of the Photographs of Maine Wildlife were photographed in the Northern Maine area of Greenville and the Katahdin areas of the state. Central Maine is also a nice area to photograph wildlife.
The old Logging boat, now a touring ship, anchored on Moosehead Lake in Greenville, Maine.
Out early to photograph loons when this photo was taken showing the fog clearing on West Branch Pond in Northern Maine.
Photos of Maine Wildlife and Landscapes were taken by Bob Libby Photography.
Maine Bald Eagle
Bald eagles were not always as common in Maine as they are today. In 1962, only 27 nesting pairs were found across the state. After decades of monitoring and implementation of intensive management practices, including working with willing landowners to conserve eagle nesting sites, Maine’s bald eagle population recovered to approximately 503 nesting pairs by 2009. Currently, the population is a robust 734 nesting pairs.
The elusive Maine Moose
Maine has a healthy population of moose around 75,000. The Pine Tree State has the second largest population of moose, only behind Alaska. The moose is not Maine’s official state animal for nothing!!
This may seem like an obvious one, but those “Moose Road” signs are not just for decoration. They signal that you are now in moose country and to keep your eyes peeled (and proceed with caution). Moose, very often, are found on the sides near the roads, as the pavement creates a natural salt lick for them.
Although the Maine moose can be seen all year-round, May to mid-July is the best time to spot them, but if you’re really itching to see an antlered bull moose, September and October is the best time. There are tour guides in Greenville area that can put you in camera range to get that elusive photo.
Mark Patterson of Lone Wolf Guiding Services out of the Shirley/Greenville area of Northern Maine has the knowledge of putting Professional Photographers and First Time Moose Enthusiasts in a position to photograph these beautiful animals. Video taken by and courtesy of Mark Patterson.
Maine Partridge
Known by most hunters here in Maine as a partridge, the ruffed grouse is a plump, brownish gray bird with a ruff of dark feathers around its neck, a black stripe across its tail, and feathers pointing up on its head. It’s the most widely distributed game bird in the United States, but its population has shrunk across the eastern part of the country. Maine is still a stronghold for ruffed grouse, so people travel here every fall to try their luck at shooting this game bird.
Maine Ruffed Grouse or Partridge – When they ruffle up their neck feathers, like in the photo, they are about ready to head for the hills.
Maine Common Loon
Common Loons hold a special place in the hearts and minds of all who see and hear them. Even today, few can hear the cry of a loon drift across a dusky lake without feeling a connection to an ancient and wild spirit.
There are five species of loons in the world, but only the Common Loon breeds in Maine.
Maine Coyote
“Species are always evolving, which means that each one perpetually changes in relation to other species. Actively evolving populations have flexible food habits, are excellent dispersers, and evolve quickly into new niches”
– E.O.Wilson
With the return of Coyote, a Keystone carnivore now resides in the landscapes of Maine once again.
Maine weasel
Weasels live on every continent except Australia and Antarctica.
They have very long and thin bodies. Weasels usually have brown fur and some species turn white during the winter. Weasels hunt alone – They move quietly and use scent to track their prey. They also have very good hearing. Many weasels are valued for their skins and furs. Tail hair from some weasels is used to make paintbrushes. This cute little weasel was photographed in Haines, Alaska, and such weasels are also found in Maine.
Maine Autumn
Autumn time in Maine is a delightful way of spending an afternoon driving these tote roads while looking for Maine wildlife. This photo was taken in the Greenville area of Northern Maine.
Maine Logging Truck
Driving on dirt roads in Northern Maine can be very dangerous for tourists trying to find the elusive Maine Moose. Many of these roads are privately owned logging roads, which means logging trucks have the right of way. Picture driving down a narrow dirt road, wondering if you’re going the right way, and then seeing an eighteen wheel tractor trailer truck, loaded with logs, a massive cloud of dust behind it, cruising straight at you at fifty miles an hour. This is exactly what can happen. Have Fun: BUT BE CAREFUL!